However, you cannot be asked to pay an accommodation bond that will leave you with less than $49,000 in assets (from 20 September 2018 to 19 March 2019).
Bond amounts can vary between residents in the same aged care home, as well as between homes because the bond is based on an individuals assessed assets.
When you agreed to your accommodation bond amount, there were a number of payment options you could have chosen. These are:
- A lump sum
- Periodic (regular) payments (usually every fortnight or month), or
- A combination of lump sum and periodic (rental-style) payments.
If you agreed to pay a lump sum, you had up to six months after you moved into your aged care home to make the payment.
However, if you didn’t pay your bond in full on the day you moved into the aged care home, you can be charged interest on the outstanding amount owing – as set out in your accommodation bond agreement.
The Australian Government sets the maximum interest rate you can be charged, which is fixed at your date of entry to aged care.
If your assets go up or down after you move into a home, this does not affect the amount of your accommodation bond or the interest charged. Your assessed assets are fixed at the date you first entered an aged care home and won’t be reassessed unless you request this when you move to a new home and your care needs have ‘increased’.